We warmly invite you to read the book I did what I could, which is a collection of interviews with prof. Zbigniew Kruszewski - a member of the Presidium of the Council of Scientific Societies and its Chairman in 2007-2019.

Book cover - Zbigniew Kruszewski - I did what I could

About the book:

I did what I could is the title of a book containing a collection of thoughts by prof. Zbigniew Kruszewski, president of the Scientific Society of Płock, rector of the University of Paweł Włodkowic in Płock, chairman of the Council of Scientific Societies at the Presidium of the Polish Academy of Sciences in 2007-2019, senator of the Republic of Poland of the 4th and 5th term, and a member of the Sejm of the Republic of Poland of the 6th term.

As Jan Bolesław Nycek, editor of the publication, writes, it is an attempt to “show a man of equal merit to his hometown [Płock], as well as his closer and more distant surroundings. It is a story about a traveled path, leaving one's own mark on the ground, about a place and space, about the passing of life”.

Reflections by prof. Z. Kruszewski concern, inter alia, social scientific movement, education, science and higher education, and public service.

The occasion for the series of interviews was the 70th birthday of prof. Z. Kruszewski. The title of the book refers to the words spoken by the consuls of the Roman Republic during the handover of the office to his successors: "I have done what I could, whoever can, let him do better".

Zbigniew Paweł Kruszewski. I did what I could, eds. M. Debich, J. B. Nycek, Płock 2021, pp. 853.