"Social scientific movement in the process of change" is the title of a scientific conference organized by the Council of Scientific Societies of the Polish Academy of Sciences and the Scientific Society of Płock, which took place on Friday, September 17, 2021 in Płock. The conference closed the celebration of the bicentenary of the Płock Scientific Society, established in 1820. Originally it was planned for June 2020, i.e. in the year of the association's jubilee, but due to the Covid-19 pandemic, it became necessary to change the date.
In the announcement of the conference "Social scientific movement in the process of change", its basic assumptions were outlined. It was noted that "the social science movement as an important element of the landscape of science and collective life is characterized by a multitude of goals, functions and forms", and "scientific associations have been active in adapting to social, political and technological conditions, playing different roles". The need to present and describe the social scientific movement as a result and at the same time a factor of social change was indicated as the overriding goal of the conference.
The participants of the conference "Social scientific movement in the process of change" were welcomed by the host of the place - the president of the Płock Scientific Society, prof. Zbigniew Kruszewski. He referred to the jubilee of the oldest association operating in Poland, presenting a newly published publication in which, inter alia, the celebration of the two hundredth anniversary of the TNP was reported and the most important events in the history of the organization were recalled, presented in the form of a calendar. Everyone attending the conference received copies of the book. Then, the guests were given the floor with congratulatory letters to the president of TNP. They were: prof. Maciej Słodki, rector of the Masovian Public University in Płock and prof. Małgorzata Jędryczka representing the Polish Society of Phytopathology. Prof. Kruszewski, in turn, read two more letters that arrived by post - from prof. Elżbieta Mączyńska, president of the Polish Economic Society and from prof. Antoni Różalski, president of the Lodz Scientific Society.
Then the proceedings of the conference began, chaired by prof. Iwona Hofman - chairman of the Council of Scientific Societies of the Polish Academy of Sciences, president of the Polish Society for Social Communication, director of the Institute of Social Communication and Media at the Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin, honorary member of the Płock Scientific Society from 2020. The co-chairman was prof. Z. Kruszewski, president of the Płock Scientific Society. Prof. I. Hofman also delivered the first of the papers planned in the conference program, entitled "The Social Scientific Movement in Poland in the Scientific Policy of the State". After a short break, lectures gave in turn:
- prof. Zbigniew Czernicki, Polish Society of Neurosurgeons, Collegium Mazovia Innovative University in Siedlce - "Medical scientific societies - current difficulties and opportunities for improvement";
- prof. Wiesław Nagórko, Polish Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Warsaw University of Life Sciences - "Past and present of scientific societies in the field of technical sciences";
- prof. Stanisław Kunikowski, Włocławek Scientific Society - “The past and the future of general scientific societies in Poland. Expectations and further possibilities of their development”.
Later in the session there was a panel discussion moderated by prof. I. Hofman. The following spoke: prof. Andrzej Gulczyński (Poznań Society of Friends of Sciences, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań); prof. M. Słodki, Rector of the Masovian Public University in Płock; prof. Marek Kowalczyk (Warsaw Scientific Society, Academy of Physical Education in Warsaw); MSc. Mariusz Portalski (Płock Scientific Society, Warsaw University of Technology); prof. Jerzy Błażejowski (Gdańsk Scientific Society, University of Gdańsk); PhD Bogumiła Dumowska (Scientific Society of Płock).
The session was summarized by prof. I. Hofman and prof. Z. Kruszewski. In line with the program assumptions, the following specific problems were discussed: changes in scientific associations; roles and functions of scientific societies in the changing reality; variety of goals and forms of activity of the social scientific movement; the future of scientific societies.
The Scientific Committee of the conference "Social scientific movement in the process of change" consisted of:
- prof. Michał Nowosielski, Scientific Society of Płock, Masovian Public University in Płock - chairman;
- prof. Janusz Adamowski, Płock Scientific Society, University of Warsaw;
- prof. Katarzyna Chałasińska-Macukow, Płock Scientific Society, University of Warsaw;
- prof. Michał M. Grzybowski, Płock Scientific Society;
- prof. Iwona Hofman, Polish Academy of Sciences, Polish Society for Social Communication, Płock Scientific Society, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin;
- prof.Michał Kleiber, Scientific Society of Płock, Institute of Fundamental Technological Research, Polish Academy of Sciences;
- prof. Zbigniew Kruszewski, Płock Scientific Society, University of Paweł Włodkowic in Płock;
- prof. Włodzimierz Kurnik, Płock Scientific Society, Warsaw University of Technology;
- prof. Grzegorz Radomski, Płock Scientific Society, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń;
- prof. Maciej Słodki, Scientific Society of Płock, Masovian Public University in Płock;
- prof. Renata Walczak, Płock Scientific Society, Warsaw University of Technology;
- prof.Stanisław Wielgus, Scientific Society of Płock;
- PhD Marian Chudzyński, Płock Scientific Society;
- PhD Marek Jarosz, The Major Seminary in Płock.
The Organizing Committee was composed of:
- dr hab. Andrzej Kansy, Płock Scientific Society, Masovian Public University in Płock - chairman;
- prof. Małgorzata Kamińska, Płock Scientific Society, University of Paweł Włodkowic in Płock;
- PhD Paweł Kaczmarczyk, Scientific Society of Płock, Masovian Public University in Płock;
- PhD Tomasz Piekarski, Płock Scientific Society, State Archives in Płock;
- PhD Henryk Rode, Płock Scientific Society, Warsaw University of Technology;
- MSc. Tadeusz Majsterkiewicz, Polish Academy of Sciences;
- Maciej Wróbel, Płock Scientific Society - secretary.
The conference "Social scientific movement in the process of change" was conducted in a stationary mode, with the observance of the the sanitary regime rules. All participants, signing up the attendance list. They were also required to submit a declaration of acceptance of complete vaccination against Covid-19 and/or the passing of this disease, which would give the probability of immunity.
After the conference, a plenary session of the Council of Scientific Societies of the Polish Academy of Sciences took place at the seat of the Scientific Society of Płock.
The report was prepared by:
Maciej Wróbel, Scientific Society of Płock